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Reading Your
Human Design Chart


Interpreting your Human Design chart is a powerful tool for self-discovery. This unique chart serves as your personalized energetic blueprint, offering insights into how you're naturally wired to engage with the world, make choices, and convey your essence. However, you probably think, 'Eeuhhh, is that me?' Yes, that's you on the inside—the mechanics of your true nature exposed in one chart. All those colors, shapes, lines, numbers, and symbols denote the person you were designed to be. I'm going to guide you through all the layers of your Human Design because it might seem a bit overwhelming right now.

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In easy-to-understand language, a Human Design chart is like a picture that shows how your energy works, based on when and where you were born, and how the planets were aligned on that particular moment and place. Each planet brings in a specific energy. Your soul made a contract with the Universe about who it's going to be on planet Earth, what lessons to learn, and based on that it chooses its place and time of incarnation.


The Human Design chart is made up of different parts: nine centers, thirty-six channels, sixty-four gates, and extra things like your Type, Profile, and Authority. All these things come together to create a detailed map of you're unique being.


The first thing you need to do when you want to read a Human Design chart is to get a grip on the basic structure, also called the BodyGraph, and the main part of the chart might remind you of the chakra system. It has nine shapes that look like geometric shapes, and they're connected by lines, which are the channels, I like to call them life force energy channels. The numbers on the chart show the gates, which I see as your gifts.


The BodyGraph is split into two sections: The Design (in burgundy, which is your unconscious side) and the Personality (in orange, which is your unconscious side). The Design part represents the traits you get from your ancestors, and are the traits that you might not be super aware of. The Personality part represents the traits you know about and can used consciously.


Now, in a Human Design chart, everything – whether it's a Center, Channel, or Gate – can be either colored in (defined) or white (undefined). When something is defined, it means it's always there and those are the steady aspects of your nature. If it's white, it's an area where you're flexible and open to different things.



Let's start with the 5 different types in Human Design. Your type is determined by the energy centers you have defined (colored) and the connections they make with other energy centers. By understanding each person's natural state of being; their type, you can reconsider how you interact with them.


Manifestor: The Fire Starter - People who are here to get something started for other people to join in on.

Generator: The Life Force - People who are here to lift the energy of the world.

Manifesting Generator: The Multi-Hyphenate - Multi-passionate people who are here to do and accomplish many diverse things.

Projector: The Seer - People who can see a better, more efficient or upgraded approach to specific things and are here to share that with others.

Reflector: The Shapeshifter - People who are here to show others who they truly are.



Each Type has its own unique Strategy when it comes to making decisions. For Generators, it's about waiting for something to respond to. Manifestors need to inform others before they take action. Projectors should wait for an invitation, and Reflectors should take the time of a full lunar cycle before they make significant choices.


Your Type and Strategy are like a practical roadmap for making decisions, interacting with others, and using your energy. When you follow your Type and Strategy, life tends to flow more smoothly, with fewer obstacles, and your decisions become better aligned with who you truly are.


It's important to understand that your Strategy isn't just a mental process; it's about listening to the wisdom of your own body. It may take time and practice to live in harmony with your Strategy, but it's a fulfilling journey toward authenticity.



The third crucial step in interpreting your Human Design chart is recognizing your Authority. In Human Design, Authority signifies your distinct decision-making process, a compass that steers you toward decisions in harmony with your authentic self.


Your Authority might have its roots in different centers within your BodyGraph, such as the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Spleen, Heart, or G Center. Alternatively, for Reflectors, it may be influenced by their environment or the passage of time.


Understanding and following your Authority is the key of living in alignment with your unique design. It provides a way to transcend the influence of conditioned thoughts and tune into your inner truth. Remember, your Authority isn't a mental exercise; it's a sensation within your body. It's a matter of placing trust in your body's innate wisdom to guide your decision-making process.



The fourth important step in deciphering your Human Design chart revolves around understanding the Centers, Channels, and Gates. These nine Centers each symbolize different facets of your existence, including your thoughts, emotions, how you communicate, your sense of self, determination, vitality, intuition, and the inner drive to take action.


Defined centers (colored in) signify areas where you consistently have a stable energy, while undefined centers (white) represent your adaptability, where you can absorb and amplify energies from your surroundings.


Channels, which are the lines connecting two centers, reveal the natural flow of your specific life force energy. Each channel carries a particular energy type and profoundly influences your behaviors and life experiences.


Gates, identified by the numbers on your chart, represent energies that become active when the gate is activated. You recognize active gates as the dark dots within the centers. The combination of a defined channel and an activated gate can greatly impact how you express the energy within that center. 



The fifth step in understanding your Human Design chart is getting to know your Profile. Your profile portrays your core nature and life approach. Your profile outlines how you engage with life and others and is a good description of you. It's a unique mix of the 6 lines, forming one of the 12 profiles. The first line reflects the conscious aspect, and the second line the unconscious aspect.



Another amazing guide that determines who you are, are the 192 different "incarnations" or Life Themes. The Incarnation Cross is derived from the positions of the Sun and Earth in your chart. Understanding your Life Theme allows you to grasp your life's purpose when you align with your type's strategy and authority. By following these guidelines, you gain reliable inner guidance to navigate your journey. They provide a description of your life theme, offering a deeper understanding of your soul's unique purpose.



A vital aspect of your Human Design chart involves grasping your Not-Self Theme. This theme reflects how you experience resistance or frustration when you're not in harmony with your genuine nature. It's a signal that you're acting based on conditioning rather than your authentic self.


Each Type has a distinct Not-Self Theme: Generators and Manifesting Generators experience frustration, Projectors sense bitterness, Manifestors often feel anger, and Reflectors encounter disappointment. Recognizing and comprehending these themes can be a valuable tool to identify moments when you're not in sync with your unique design.


While these themes may bring discomfort, they serve as valuable guides. When you notice your Not-Self Theme emerging, it's an opportunity to pause and consult your Strategy and Authority. It's a sign that you might have veered off your path and need to realign with your authentic self.

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