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My Own Flowing Journey


Looking back on my life's journey, I come to realize that opportunities have consistently presented themselves along my path. Friends often remark, "Liz, you're one to dive into the unknown, yet you manage to land on your feet every time!"


One of the things I'm very good at, and always been good at, is BELIEVING it's going to be fine. And I never really knew why I had this more than other people in life, but it all made sense when an Astrologer started looking at my natal chart a year ago. He told me that I have a lot of Jupiter energy in my natal chart. So let's talk a little bit about this, because I think it's quite interesting. Jupiter is an archetype in the sense that Jupiter maps 1/10th of the souls development, like every single planet maps a fraction of our souls development. And our journey through life is reaching perfection in all of the 10 planets. However, we don't start that journey here, we start that journey somewhere else, or better to say; some time else. So in Astrology they look at what is very strong in a person's natal chart and what is more weak. When a particular energy is already strong, you can amplify that energy.  Whereas we deal with weaker qualities we can take an under course of healing and development. But in Astrology it's simply easier and more effective to look at the qualities that are already strong because there is already more experience with certain things on a soul level. So in my case, because Jupiter was in Cancer when I was born, I know I already had a lot of development in my astral body as a soul, where also all the knowledge is stored. So what is this Jupiter part of my life? As I explained before, Jupiter is one of the 10 archetypes of the soul, and Jupiter is all about Faith. And specifically faith in higher power. This is why Jupiter is also the planet of Religion or Spirituality or Source or God. Jupiter is our connection to higher power. So in my case, at the point of my physical incarnation into my current body, I had a very high level of development in my ability to have faith. Faith in what? In anything! 


So how does this manifest in my life? In order to understand this, he looked at where Jupiter was located in my chart, which is in the 10th house. The 10th house rules career, public reputation and success. So what does this mean? It means that to the degree that I have faith in my ability that I will succeed in my career, I will achieve excellent success and basically success in everything in my life, because this is how the current social paradigm is being designed.


This is why I actually don't feel I'm having a hard time weaving my way through the system because I'm born with this major Jupiter energy. In other words, my soul has already done this in all of my past life's. This cycle has been finished. 


So when I heard this for the first time, everything made sense to me. I never had the feeling I needed to achieve success in a career. I just wanted to be free and do the things I love and help people with that. So that's why I started Boho Frequency. I want to help you to also live the life you have always imagined as a life you would really love. So let's delve a bit deeper.




In recent years, I've grown more conscious that we are beings of energy, and I've come to understand that we have the ability to shape and guide energy, directing its flow as we desire.


As you grasp the language of energy through vibrations and frequency, you unlock the ability to harness its flow. You gain an understanding of how the forefront of any situation is dictated by the underlying energetic information, and how you can navigate and influence this energetic realm through your consciousness.


It is simply basic knowledge of our energetic anatomy that we, unfortunately, did not learn at school. This knowledge of our energetic anatomy is actually Universal knowledge, which has always been available to us and will always be available, even if we cannot grasp our head around or understand it.



I am still in the process of learning, step by step, how to take charge of my life and how to free myself from pain and fear in order to start living my mission: facilitating life energy for the transformation of our consciousness.


To make a socially responsible contribution to the collective consciousness, I help people awaken their abilities to write their own script, and thus become free of coercion and openly enjoy their true beauty and power. Because that is what life is; we are not only the scriptwriters but at the same time the directors and actors in our own play.


With Boho Frequency I want you to get to know yourself as a multidimensional being - your energetic design. This will free you from the often limiting beliefs that have governed your life, your hopes and visions regarding yourself and the world until now. How can you ever create a world of peace, abundance, love, connection, and freedom when you keep seeing images of limitation, separation and pain on your retina?



We live in an extremely dualistic world. We always have to pick one of the two sides. But as soon as you stop choosing sides, you become the observer. And you neutralise your perception. At the same time, you are literally cutting negatively loaded energetic cords when you let go of any attachments to emotions or feelings from the past that don't really serve you. These emotional triggers from the past trigger the exact same chemical in your body as back then. So you must forgive and let go in order to feel completely free and live in unity with your environment.


The more you live your Authentic Self, the more synchronicities will come your way. You're starting to see that everything is connected. And that you can trust your inner voice. This way of observing the world has given me the freedom to be myself and allow others to do the same. It has empowered me to create what I desire, explore the world, and forge deep and intimate connections, all while earning a healthy and fulfilling living.



Freedom is an incredibly beautiful adventure, and the energy of the cosmos continues to support us with an unlimited, abundant flow of life energy that sustains our human experience. The realisation that you can determine your own path through this advanced game is essentially your first step on the road to freedom. But in order to choose your direction, it is essential to become first aware of your current situation. Just as you set your GPS: where are you right now and where do you want to go?


As I said before; I want YOU to get to know yourself. So that you can explore your Authentic Self - your Human Design, and discover that energy is flowing exactly as it should. You will experience synchronicities and start to create the authentic life of your soul.


Slowly but surely you will notice that you are creating your itinerary for life. A path will open for you that will take you to ever-higher levels of consciousness, where you will experience more joy, pleasure, abundance, possibilities and freedom. Your energetic vibration will rise and it will attract people, things and experiences, that are in alignment with those frequencies.


Perhaps you will suddenly change jobs, move to another city or even another country, start your own business, take a course, start or end a relationship and become healthier and more thriving in the process.


To step into the truth of your human existence is not that hard. Sometimes it seems almost too simple to be true. Unfortunately, simple does not always mean easy. The way is to find your own unique, authentic balance and stay present to this dynamic balance, by loving and living it while staying connected to yourself and everything around you.


That’s the Boho FrequencY.

Unlock Your Free Spirit!



Embracing a healthy lifestyle helps to ground yourself, enabling you to bring you closer to your authentic self. Your soul desires for nothing greater than to see the vessel it has chosen treated as a sacred temple.



You will have to ask yourself if you are living the lifestyle you would like to live. Or do you still have that 9 to 5 job that gives you nauseating feelings every Sunday evening and are you already longing for the weekend on Wednesday? Are you following the path that aligns with your soul's deepest passions? Or is there untapped potential within you yearning for exploration?


These are essential questions to consider. As you immerse yourself in envisioning your dreams, what would you place on your vision board? What do you aspire to achieve? What are your goals? This process is what I refer to as Goal Mapping. Manifestation always begins with setting intentions.



When you are doing the things you enjoy, you are happier, experience less stress and the chances of burnout or depression are significantly lower. Because of this, your vibration is much higher, and you attract the things that match your vibration. Everyone has heard of the Law of Attraction - you attract what you want.


However, the concept is a bit more complex than a simple connection between desire and attraction. Imagine it as tuning into a radio frequency - you only hear the station that matches the frequency you've selected on the dial.


In simpler terms: sense the frequency that truly defines you – the essence of who you want to become. That very sensation might awaken butterflies within you. By immersing yourself in this state, you effectively elevate your vibration, aligning with the harmonious frequency of your authentic self. In doing so, you attune yourself to all that resonates with the same wavelength. Consequently, these aligned elements naturally manifest on your life's journey. Doesn't that sound reasonable? In reality, it's a very logical process!



Maybe you've heard of the quantum field. Perhaps you've never heard of it either. Simply put, the quantum field is nothing but the energy in our Universe. Everything is energy. Energy is vibration. Vibration is frequency, and frequency is consciousness. 



When you experience flow in your daily life, it means that things come easily and that action continues in a steady, continuous flow. And that means you're sticking to it. 

Start with small steps forward by making different choices of action. 
Because action creates movement, and movement creates manifestation.

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© 2023 by Boho Frequency

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