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Full Moon in Libra: Libra's Glow Illuminates Harmony and Balances Hearts

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

Hello, lovely souls who are all experiencing the profound lessons of life in the physical realm on planet Earth! Today, I'm writing to you from Canggu, Bali. I've returned here just two days ago, which is why I'm a bit late with my monthly article. I've been busy picking up my friend from the airport, and showing her around Canggu the last 2 days. She's here to assist me in expanding Boho Frequency, and in return, I'm helping her navigate life after university and discover what truly brings her happiness.

Understanding the current planetary energies that are influencing us and our planet is fascinating because they often align with our personal experiences. Sometimes, I still ponder the concept of cause and effect, but I realize that life operates in cycles. Thus, it's not surprising that the current events in my life are influenced by the positions of the planets. Let's explore this lunar cycle together to help you prepare!

Full Moon in Libra and the Sun in Aries

On the 25 of March, the full Moon finds itself in Libra, while the sun stands exactly opposite in Aries. These are two astrological signs with opposing traits. Libra seeks harmony and takes time to weigh options before making a decision, while Aries acts more impulsively with fiery force. During the period surrounding the full Moon, it's all about finding a balance between these two extremes. This pursuit of balance can lead to inner conflicts, a struggle between intuition and reason, and can often have a significant impact on your emotions. Many changes in consciousness unfold.

The influence of this full Moon intensifies due to a partial lunar eclipse. Eclipse season has begun, and after this lunar eclipse, a solar eclipse occurs on April 8 during the super new Moon in Aries. I will go deeper into that in a bit. This period can be characterized by sudden changes and events that guide you in the right direction. You may face important decisions, as an eclipse often serves as a turning point. It will be palpable as emotions are magnified, and you might feel like you're on an emotional rollercoaster.

A beautiful alignment with Pluto will assist you in gaining clear insights into what is happening in your subconscious. This will enable you to undergo a transformation that strengthens you. You are ready to take the leap, make decisive steps, and prioritize yourself!

The Moon and its cycles

Let's repeat a bit of information about what a full Moon is and why the energies are each cycle different, just for you to understand it more deeply.

In Astrology, when the Sun is on one side, and the Moon is on the opposite side with Earth in between, we get a full Moon. The Moon reflects sunlight, making it look full to us. On the other hand, during a New Moon, the Sun, Moon, and Earth align differently. The Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth, preventing it from reflecting light to us. The Moon is in shadow, and we can't see it at all.

As the Moon goes through its phases, it gets brighter. When it reaches the Full Moon, there are no shadows, and the Moon's brightness invites us to pay attention to what's happening.

Symbolically, the Sun represents spirit, and the Moon represents our physical and emotional selves. During a full Moon, it's time to be open, to bring the light and awareness of spirit into your emotional and physical body.

Illuminating things in your life

Energetically, the New Moon is a time of unconscious activity, in the dark shadows. By the Full Moon, your awareness rises, and you receive insights that have been approaching you. This happens as the Moon becomes full. This awareness can give you clarity and awe about what's happening in your life. The Full Moon is not just a one-day event; it lasts at least three days. Being in tune with the Moon during the full phase can be a practice of emotional mastery.

Some people feel more 'heavy' or triggered around this time. Try to be aware of what triggers you. Why is it triggering you? Most of the time it's not even the person itself, but the person is mirroring something that is going on deep inside of you. These feelings are way more significant around the time during the full Moon, because the full Moon is illuminating something that's deep inside of you and needs to be seen.

Why each full Moon is different

All Full Moons share the same basics, but each feels different. This is because each lunar cycle happens with a different set of planetary forces. So, each Full Moon has its unique energy and therefore feeling. Therefore we experience different emotions, cycles, and events throughout our lives. Pay attention to the zodiac sign affecting the Moon and other planetary influences. It's fascinating how each placement of the Sun, Moon, and the planets relative to Earth has a different effect on us.

Libra, ruled by Venus, and its vibes

In this full Moon cycle, immersed in the harmonious vibes of Libra, guided by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, we're invited to reconnect with our passions and cherished connections. Libra prompts a deeper exploration of relationships, driven by a quest for balance and harmony symbolized by the scales. Ruled by Venus, Libras appreciate art, intellect, and refined tastes, emphasizing companionship and harmony in relationships, in contrast to Aries' focus on individuality.

Yet, maintaining this elevated state of love isn't always seamless. Our interactions with the world around us, particularly with those closest to us, inevitably influence our energy. Like sponges, we absorb the emotions and thoughts of others, finding ourselves resonating with their frequencies. For instance, encountering someone who exudes negativity might dim our own spirits. Setting boundaries becomes crucial in protecting our own energy when things around us change.

Setting clear boundaries is key. Without them, outside influences can mess with our feelings and make it hard to focus. By delineating clear boundaries, we gain clarity and focus on what truly matters in our lives, minimizing unnecessary distractions. However, finding the right balance is essential; because when we are too rigid, we risk isolating ourselves from meaningful connections.

This full Moon is a good time to think about our relationships and the boundaries within them. As we navigate through this celestial event, it's vital to center ourselves, recognizing our individual wholeness independently of others. Reflect on the dynamics of your relationships: which ones nurture your growth, and which ones drain your vitality? Where might you find a more harmonious balance, and in what areas do you need to reinforce your personal limits?

Let the energy of Aries guide you to your true self. Think about how your relationships fit with who you really are. Sometimes, you might have to give up a bit of yourself to make a relationship work. But ideally, both people should respect each other's needs and goals.

It's tricky to balance everyone's needs in a relationship. Figure out what's really important to you, where you can't compromise and where you can be more flexible. Think about which relationships match up with what you want and which ones might need some changes or even to end.

It's important to forgive during this time of self-reflection. Take a moment to think about any bad feelings or old hurts that are stopping you from moving forward in your relationships. Use this chance to make peace with others and with yourself. As the full moon shows us the way, remember the lessons you've learned from past relationships, and let go of the ones that no longer fit with where you're headed.

The shadow sides of Libra

Libra faces two main challenges: being indecisive and passive-aggressive. Libra sees the world as a balanced whole where everything is equally important. This can make it hard for Libra to make decisions because all options seem equally good. This indecision can make us anxious because we know time is limited and we need to keep moving forward in life. This anxiety can disturb our inner peace and make it hard to grow personally or have good relationships until we make clear decisions.

Sometimes, because of indecision, we might follow someone else's path only to realize later that we're not happy and need to go back to our own direction. Some relationships can handle this change, but others might struggle with it.

Passive-aggressiveness is another challenge for Libra. This means we may try to control situations without saying what we really need. It can make us stubborn, lazy, or avoidant of people. This behavior can cause unnecessary drama because we're afraid to express our true feelings.

In some cases, our relationships might not be safe places to share our feelings, so we might need to make some changes or let go of them. Or maybe we just haven't learned how to talk about what we need, so we resort to being manipulative to get support or energy from others. Changing these behaviors means learning to speak up and communicate honestly, which can make our relationships stronger.

Even though it's hard, we can learn to ask for what we need and give back to our relationships positively. We need to remember that our main source of energy comes from within ourselves and our connection to the universe. In good relationships, both people freely share energy, creating a cycle of connection and growth.

Aries, ruled by Mars and its vibes

While Libra prefers collaboration, Aries is characterized by a more individualistic attitude; independent, adventurous, goal-oriented, and active. Aries naturally assumes leadership roles. Accustomed to taking charge, Aries may sometimes overlook the needs of others and lean towards impulsivity, impatience, and irritation. Nevertheless, they possess the ability to inspire others and rally them towards realizing their ideas. When feeling threatened in their position, Aries may tend to engage in competition. Themes such as adventure and sports are strongly associated with Aries.

The shadow sides of Aries

During this eclipse, it's a good time to take a closer look at the less positive sides of Aries. These include being selfish and aggressive. When Aries energy is low, we may act impulsively, focusing only on ourselves without considering others. At its worst, Aries can be purely selfish, putting our own needs first and ignoring how others feel. We might see things only from our point of view, ignoring other perspectives. This behavior can hurt our partners, making them feel ignored and disrespected.

Another negative side of Aries is aggression and control. When we're like this, we might be demanding, bossy, or too forceful. We might intimidate others by shouting or trying to control everything. This aggression usually comes from our own inner struggles. When we're struggling inside, we might lash out at others, starting fights we don't need. Instead of trying to win, we need to focus on understanding ourselves better and healing our own pain.

If we look at the energy of this eclipse, we see aggression and control on one side, and passivity and indecision on the other. None of these are helpful in relationships. Take a moment to think about how you behave in partnerships. Do you see any of these patterns in yourself? It's okay if you do. The important thing is to recognize them and work on changing them. Be kind to yourself and know that the full Moon in Libra is here to help us see these shadows. Find out why you behave this way and try to move towards the more positive aspects of Aries and Libra. The first step to change is being aware of what needs to change.

Libra together with Aries vibes during this full Moon / Lunar eclipse

During this celestial dance of the eclipse, we're experiencing the energies of both Aries and Libra, which create a powerful mix. The Moon and South Node are in Libra, while the Sun and North Node are in Aries. This gives us a chance to let go of any negative feelings linked to these signs and focus on their positive aspects instead.

Aries encourages us to be brave and make quick decisions based on our instincts. It reminds us that we're strong enough to overcome any challenges that come our way. Aries also reminds us that we already have everything we need inside of us.

On the other hand, Libra teaches us that it's important to have inner peace and balance in our lives. When we're balanced, we can see clearly and handle any problems calmly. Libra also shows us that having someone to share our journey with makes it even better. But it's important to remember to stay true to ourselves while supporting our partners.

As we go through this eclipse, we need to watch out for any negative feelings associated with Aries or Libra. Once we let go of these feelings, we can focus on the positive aspects of both signs and reach new levels of understanding and harmony.

The interaction of Pluto in Aquarius during this full Moon / eclipse

During this eclipse, Pluto in Aquarius also plays a role. The Sun connects with Pluto in a certain way, and the full Moon in Libra does too. You can see this depicted in the picture at the end of the article. Pluto brings energies of healing, personal strength, and the patterns we navigate in life. It helps us understand our past hurts and how they might be weakening us. By revealing the parts of our past that hold us back, Pluto offers pathways to healing and renewed strength.

Pluto in Aquarius also serves as a reminder that embracing our uniqueness is amazing! Consider whether you're authentically yourself in your relationships or if the fear of losing someone is causing you to hide your true self. Being genuine is a powerful act. During this eclipse, focus on staying true to yourself and standing strong in your beliefs. If any relationship makes you feel like you can't be yourself, it might be time to consider making changes.

The energy of Pluto in Aquarius encourages you to seek relationships that accept you as you are. Remember, when each of us follows our own path and shines in our own way, it contributes to making the world a better place. Your relationships should be sources of support and growth while allowing you to express your true self.

Solar eclipse on 8 april 2024

Okay, let's dive right into this topic because it's something that's constantly on my mind, and I believe it's an important aspect of the current shift happening on planet Earth. A friend of mine sent me a video a few weeks ago about the upcoming eclipse and there's an incredible biblical story associated with it. Although I wasn't raised Christian, I attended Christian schools when I was young, and I remember a fascinating story about Jonah, who was tasked by God to go to the city of Nineveh but chose to ignore the command. He ended up in a storm at sea and was swallowed by a whale, where he remained for three days until the whale vomited him onto dry land.

I can still vividly picture the illustrations from the children's Bible depicting Jonah waiting in the belly of the whale for three days, miraculously alive. I always thought it was a weird story.

I wanted to know the actual biblical story of Jonah, since I couldn't remember the exact details, so I asked ChatGTP:

The story of Jonah is found in the Hebrew Bible, in the Book of Jonah. It tells the tale of a prophet named Jonah who was called by God to go to the city of Nineveh and deliver a message of repentance.

Jonah, however, was reluctant to obey God's command. Instead of going to Nineveh, he attempted to flee in the opposite direction, boarding a ship bound for Tarshish. While at sea, a great storm arose, threatening to destroy the ship. The sailors, realizing that this was no ordinary storm, cast lots to determine who was responsible. The lot fell on Jonah, and he admitted that he was fleeing from God's command.

Fearing for their lives, the sailors threw Jonah overboard, and he was swallowed by a great fish (often referred to as a whale). Inside the belly of the fish, Jonah prayed to God for mercy and repentance. After three days and nights, the fish vomited Jonah onto dry land.

Having been given a second chance, Jonah obeyed God's command and went to Nineveh. He preached to the people, urging them to repent of their wickedness or face destruction. Surprisingly, the people of Nineveh listened to Jonah's message and repented, from the greatest to the least, including the king. As a result, God spared the city from destruction.

Despite Jonah's initial reluctance and disobedience, the story of Jonah ultimately serves as a lesson in the importance of obedience to God and the power of repentance and forgiveness.

Now, the strange part about this eclipse is that it can only be seen in the USA. The eclipse will pass over eight cities named 'Nineveh' (seven in the USA and one in Canada). On August 21, 2017, there was also a solar eclipse that passed over seven cities called 'Salem' in the US, which is often associated with Jerusalem. When we consider both eclipse paths from 2017 and 2024 together, the point where they intersect is in a town called 'Little Egypt.' Besides that, there is seven years between these two eclipses. Interesting isn't it?

What we know about Ancient Egypt is that they were in a different age, called the Age of Taurus and the many ages before that. In the biblical story where Moses left Egypt, he told his people not to worship the Bull anymore, aka Taurus. And instead started worshipping the Ram, Aries. Because the age went from Taurus to Aries.

Now we go from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius, which is a completely new era characterized by new technologies (Blockchain, SpaceX, Free energy etc), individual freedom, sense of community spirit, nonconformity, rebellion, idealism and so forth.

I believe, that the End Times, which is predicted in the Bible, and by the Mayas, isn't really the end of the world, but the end of an age: The age of Pisces. Let's look a bit deeper into what else is remarkable about this upcoming solar eclipse.

The US government is advising citizens not to make appointments on April 8, 2024, and to stock up on food, cash, and gas. Since when is a solar eclipse so dangerous? What aren't they telling us? Another quite remarkable thing is that there are even predictions from The Simpsons about this day, referring to it as the 'rapture.' There are since a few weeks many videos about this episode of the Simpson on Youtube, so you can look them up and see what they are saying about it. It's very interesting, in my opinion.

Of course, I couldn't resist delving deeper into this myself. I checked if it was true that there are eight cities named Nineveh along the eclipse route, and it's unbelievable but true. There's even only one city called Nineveh in Canada, and it's on the path of the solar eclipse.

A new financial system that will shift our planet?

Could this herald a new financial system for our planet? I've been waiting for a blackout predicted for years, believing it will eventually happen and revolutionize our financial systems. Many experts in the field have been discussing since 2017 that the old SWIFT system will be replaced by blockchain. SWIFT, a network banks use to communicate securely, is outdated (found in 1973 and went live in 1977) and susceptible to leaks, making money laundering (done by the elites and connected to drugs, child and human trafficking) possible. A new financial system based on blockchain technology would offer greater security, fairness, and traceability for every payment. Besides that it's much faster and cheaper.

Some refer to this as the new 'Quantum Financial System.' It's speculative, but it aligns with the Age of Aquarius, where new technologies thrive, and with planetary alignments that can shake up the world as we ascend to higher consciousness.

More information about this shift in consciousness can you read in my article that I wrote back in 2021: 'Zeitgeist of the moment'.

My own experience during this full Moon / Lunar eclips

I always blame the planetary alignments for the chaos in my mind. A few days before and after the full Moon, I find myself lost in my thoughts, and it's complete chaos up there. I don't experience this as much during the rest of the lunar cycle; my mind is more at peace then.

Since I started writing these articles, I'm surprised each month how my overthinking aligns so perfectly with the energy of the planetary alignment. I should already know that I don't need to be surprised because this is how our life syncs with nature. However, I'm a Capricorn, and even though I love being so connected to the planets and esoteric wisdom, I'm also very down-to-earth.

I'm spending two weeks in Canggu hosting my friend, and while I'm here, I want to focus entirely on myself with healthy routines. There's no better place to do that than Nirvana, my gym where they offer 110 different classes per week, including functional training, strength training (hello muscle-ups!), mobility classes, flexibility classes (hello front splits!), pilates, yoga, and more. They have an amazing recovery area with a sauna, ice baths, an outdoor pool, and a coworking space. They also offer very clean food options, so I'm set for the next two weeks! I love motivating myself and focusing on my goals. So I'm definetely lifting on some Aries energy for focus and goal orientation!

It's not that I can't do that in Gili T, where I also go to the gym, surf, cycle around the island, do ice baths, sauna, and focus on my food and work. But here, I have everything together in one place, which is very convenient.

On the other hand, I definitely feel the Libra vibes being illuminated right now, which points to my relationship. This is something I have to figure out for myself, and I won't discuss it in too much detail here (yet) because right now, there's too much chaos in my mind. But this is really the beauty of the full Moon during a new lunar cycle; things you never looked at are suddenly out in the open and need some focus.

Okay, it's already 25 March 2024, I have to upload this article as soon as possible! Till the next month! Much of love,




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