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Quickly fit with HIIT!

Updated: Aug 2, 2021

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training; and this is exactly what HIIT is!

It is fast, intensive and it will give quick results! You will find the most advantages of HIIT here:

HITT is very efficient

HIIT takes much less time to achieve the same effects compared to long-term training, such as endurance sports like cycling, running, swimming, or standing on the cross trainer for several hours. Research has shown that 5 hours of endurance sports and 90 minutes of HIIT had the same effect.

Equipment is not necessary and you can do it anywhere

For sit-ups, push-ups, burpees, jumping squats, and jumping lunges you don't need tools. You can use what is around you, like the stairs, a chair, or the sofa. The most important thing with HIIT is that you will be out of breath between 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Your condition is accelerating

Your condition can improve with HIIT in 2 weeks compared to 6 to 8 weeks of endurance training (e.g. running). HIIT also supports endurance training. It has been shown that you can often keep up with endurance training at a higher pace if you combine it with HIIT training.

You burn fat and not your muscles

Crash dieting and cardio training often has the effect of losing weight quickly, but unfortunately, this is also often accompanied by loss of muscle mass. Strength training and HIIT enable you to maintain your muscles. As a result, you mainly lose fat and no muscles which will make you more shredded.

It is good for the heart and blood vessels

HIIT causes the heart rate to rise rapidly. Your heart is also a muscle that is being trained. It is healthy to regularly increase your heart rate quickly by, for example, doing HIIT training. HIIT changes all kinds of body values in a very healthy and positive positive way!

HITT is seriously challenging!

Because HIIT is a short training, you are constantly working very hard. You suffer in pain, you gasp for breath and you might get the feeling of dying during a workout! It is certainly mentally challenging, but the reward is great! You will notice you get a beautiful physique, a very good condition, a strong immune system and a strong heart, and blood vessels. And last but not least, you will feel more confident, feeling you are able to handle everything which results in a wonderful and happy feeling!

Combine HIIT with weight lifting and yoga for the best results in body and mind!

Do HIIT not more than 3 times per week, because your body needs some rest to recover as well. However, combining 2 HIIT trainings per week with weight lifting and yoga will give you the best results due to the different effects on your body and mind. It will balance yin and yang. Variety is key!

"Combining 2 times HIIT per week with weight lifting and yoga will give you the best results for body and mind. It will balance yin and yang. Variety is key!"


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